[Taverna-users] Help Spread the Word! Provenance Week (IPAW, TaPP, ...) - Call for Participation
Alan R Williams
2014-05-13 09:19:23 UTC
Hello everybody,

I hope some of you will be interested in the ProvenanceWeek June 9-13 in
Cologne, Germany.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *IPAW 2014* <***@easychair.org <mailto:***@easychair.org>>
Date: 12 May 2014 15:04
Subject: Help Spread the Word! Provenance Week (IPAW, TaPP, ...) - Call
for Participation
To: Khalid Belhajjame <***@googlemail.com

Dear Khalid,

Please help spread the word: ProvenanceWeek in Cologne, Germany is
coming up!!
http://provenanceweek.dlr.de/ <<<
We have an interesting scientific program with a mix of theory and
practice. Registrations are affordable (regular: EUR 350; student: EUR
250 student) and the event is conveniently located in central Europe
(you can fly to Cologne directly, or to Frankfurt or Düsseldorf).

The DBWORLD postings for IPAW and TaPP are here:

- https://research.cs.wisc.edu/dbworld/messages/2014-05/1399917423.html

* TaPP
- https://research.cs.wisc.edu/dbworld/messages/2014-05/1399575856.html

* Or you can share the specific schedules:
- IPAW: http://provenanceweek.dlr.de/ipaw/schedule/
- TaPP: http://provenanceweek.dlr.de/tapp/schedule/

* Registration:
- http://provenanceweek.dlr.de/registration/

Thanks for spreading the word!

-- Bertram (IPAW PC co-chair)

